Journalism that propelled me into blogging

by Dushiyanthini Kanagasabapathipillai

My blog is a non-partisan site with diverse views. It is dedicated to the promotion of ethical journalism—a conscious decision on my part. It captures conflict, culture, events, nature, peace, people, tradition, and other subjects, in articles and photos. I travelled solo to the war zone to capture images—a first for a Tamil woman journalist in Sri Lanka.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Heritance Kandalama: The dreamscape destination to enter marital bliss

By Dushiyanthini Kanagasabapathipillai

“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person”~ Mignin McLaughlin, June 6, 1913 – December 20, 1983, American Journalist and Authour

Heritance Kandalama Hotel is a five star luxury hotel, which is covered by lush foliage and rocky mountains. Heritance Kandalama Hotel attracts more foreign tourists for its natural dreamscape. The hotel environment invites birds, butterflies, dragonflies and animals. [Click here to see & read more]

Monday, March 08, 2010

சர்வதேச மகளிர் தின விசேட mp3 ஒலிப்பதிவு

ர்வதேச மகளிர் தினத்தினை முன்னிட்டு இன்டர் நியூசில் ஒலிபரப்பான

~ மார்ச் 8ஆம் திகதிய “மீண்டும் வாழ்வோம்” நிகழ்ச்சி ~

மேலும் செவி மடுக்க இங்கே அழுத்தவும்

சர்வதேச மகளிர் தினம்: ‘சம உரிமையும் சம வாய்ப்பும், அனைவருக்கும்’

ண்டாண்டு காலமாகப் பெண்கள் தினம் வந்து போகின்றது. அவ்வாறு மார்ச் 8ஆம் திகதி மற்றுமொரு பெண்கள் தினம் கொண்டாடப்படவிருக்கின்றது. சம உரிமையும் சம வாய்ப்பும், அனைவருக்கும் என்பதாக இம்முறை சர்வதேச மகளிர் தினத்தொனிப் பொருள் அமைந்திருக்கிறது.

[மேலும் வாசிக்க இங்கே அழுத்தவும்]

“Service and Sacrifice”: Celebrating the centenary of International Women’s Day with Louisa Arulamma Thambyrajah

“Each person must live their life as a model for others”~ Rosa Louise McCauley Parks-February 4, 1913-October 24, 2005, African American Civil rights activist

We will be celebrating the centenary of International Women’s Day on March 8th 2010. This year’s theme of International Women’s Day is “Equal rights, equal opportunities: Progress for all”. [click hear to read more]

Friday, March 05, 2010

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Seminar and discussion on women’s participation in politics in Sri Lanka

We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated”~ Maya Angelou (1928-)-Poet, dancer, film producer, television producer, playwright, author and actress

Women represent 52% of Sri Lanka’s total population of 20, 217,000 (2008 census) according to the Department of Census and Statistics of Sri Lanka, and 56% of registered voters.

There are only 11 women Parliamentarians out of the total 225 members in Sri Lanka, which is less than 6% according to a recent survey carried out by the Women and Media Collective. [See and read mor]