Journalism that propelled me into blogging

by Dushiyanthini Kanagasabapathipillai

My blog is a non-partisan site with diverse views. It is dedicated to the promotion of ethical journalism—a conscious decision on my part. It captures conflict, culture, events, nature, peace, people, tradition, and other subjects, in articles and photos. I travelled solo to the war zone to capture images—a first for a Tamil woman journalist in Sri Lanka.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Tender Sprouts, Udayarkattu

Tender Sprouts Kids: More Pictures

Candlelight Vigil to prevent war and plead for peace

The National Anti War Front organized a candle light vigil to express the condemnation for the violations of Ceasefire Agreement ,and to call the parties to fulfill their commitment and obligation to the Ceasefire Agreement, and to call the parties to resume negotiation without further delay. It was held at the Independence Square at the dawn of the new year,31st December 2005.

More Pictures